This 1980 vehicle for Dolly Parton portrays how sexually harassed women in a hostile workplace might react. This tale of comic retribution satisfied audiences to the tune of almost four million dollars in its opening weekend. The American Film Institute rates 9 to 5 as the 74th funniest movie out of 100.
The character Judy Berly, as performed by Jane Fonda, is forced to get a job when her husband loses everything and then runs off with his secretary. What was her husband's name?
a) Tom
b) Dick
c) Harry
d) Bob
e) Eustis
Answer Below
Today in History
Thurgood Marshall was confirmed as the first African American man to the United States Supreme Court on this date in 1967, under president Lyndon B. Johnson. Marshall established himself as a nationally-renowned lawyer with his involvement in the Brown v Board of Education case, which officially dismantled segregated education three years prior. As a Justice, he espoused many progressive interpretations of the law. Upon his retirement from the Court in 1991, President George H.W. Bush filled his chair with Clarence Thomas.
Today celebrates the birth of Huey Long, a highly controversial but important Louisiana politician whose career was cut short when he was gunned down in the state capitol building in Baton Rouge in 1935 at the age of 42.
Long's motto, "Every Man a King," complemented his left-wing intention to assist homeless and struggling Americans suffering the affects of the Great Depression.
Fred MacMurray shared an August birthday with Huey "The Kingfish" Long. Far from a controversial politician, MacMurray was an accomplished actor who starred in what many critics consider one of the best of the Film Noir movies of the 1940s: 1944's Double Indemnity, as well as many other extremely well-regarded movies, prior to entering American homes as Steve Douglas, the father for twelve seasons of televisions' My Three Sons.
I'm for the poor man - all poor men, black and white, they all gotta have a chance. They gotta have a home, a job, and a decent education for their children. "Every man a king" - that's my slogan. -- Huey Long
Answer: b)