Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bobby and the American Treasure Tour - 8/22

Is there no end to the movie poster collection at the American Treasure Tour?  The answer is: of course there is, but it's far in the distance...

Today, we are going to talk about the Walt Disney version of the story of Greyfriars Bobby.
Walt Disney Productions created this film in 1961, based on the true story of a Skye Terrier who remained loyal to his master well after the master's death.  The dog preferred to maintain guard over his tombstone over an adoption by another family.  Pulling at the heartstrings of its audience, the movie describes how the children of Edinburgh, Scotland rally together to try to save the life of the stray, Bobby, while it is up to  Edinburgh's Lord Provost to determine whether the dog needs to be put to sleep.  Does Bobby's fate mirror that of Old Yeller?  Check out the film to find out!


Terriers have been extremely popular dog breeds in film and television.  What type of Terrier was Toto, from The Wizard of Oz?

a)  Jack Russell Terrier
b)  Cairn Terrier
c)  Bull Terrier
d)  Boston Terrier
e)  Yorkshire Terrier

Answer Below

Today's History

On August 22, 1902, 111 years ago today, Theodore Roosevelt became the first active United States president to take a ride in an automobile.

Fifty-four years before Mr. Roosevelt's historic ride, New Mexico was annexed by the United States.  After years of effort, it would become the 47th state of the United States.

 Today's Birthdays

The American poet and writer, satirist Dorothy Parker entered the world on this date in 1893.  Over the course of her 74 years, she became a highly-regarded member of the Algonquin Round Table, a group of New York City intellectuals that could be considered a precursor to today's podcasts.

On August 22nd, 1934, Norman Schwarzkopf was born.  A career military man, he was Commander-in-Chief, United States Command, during the Persian Gulf War under the presidency of George H.W. Bush.


The cure for boredom is curiosity.  There is no cure for curiosity.  - Dorothy Parker

Answer to Question:  b)

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